

REAPlastic will purchase the collected plastic waste from existing plastic waste pickers’ organizations. This plastic waste will be processed into recycled granules by local disadvantaged groups. A part of the granules will be sold directly to other local plastic...


We want to reduce the suicides committed by farmers in India by making customized affordable products in order to tend their land and pay their bills. Aquadrive is a bike pump used to irrigate farmers fields. The product is the cheapest solution for backup power...
SecondLIFE Power Solutions

SecondLIFE Power Solutions

Aims to replace diesel generators with a cleaner alternative in the form of solar powered second-life automotive batteries. We have a proprietary technology to increase the life of second-life batteries. Our market study showed great potential, with the diesel...


Air-conditioning is currently not sustainable when look at the amount of energy that is costs. At places which have a supply of 80 degrees Celsius and a cooling demand of 16 degrees Celsius CLAIR can provide clean cool air! Clair is able to connect this system to...


Makes the ammonia production process clean and sustainable by using biomass/waste resources in place of fossil fuels. The business model revolves around collecting bio-waste from farmers, processing the waste, producing fertilizer out of it and supplying back the...


Project Dare proposes an innovative street-smart lighting system that saves energy and reduces CO2 emissions. “Dare” consists of two elements: “Drop” and “Share”. “Drop” focuses on the physical lighting fixture itself and “Share” compliments “Drop” by attempting to...